The Pearl Planner®
"The only planner you will ever need!"®️

- Attitude -
at•ti•tude : ăt′ĭ-too͞d″, -tyoo͞d″ (n)
"A manner of thinking, feeling, or behaving that reflects a state of mind or disposition."
This might be the toughest principle of the five to actually implement into your process. My reasoning is that it is difficult to pinpoint your own attitude. YOUR attitude - not the one influenced by others who might be a part of your project; not the one you perceive to be “yours”!
Attitude: you be you! Put your signature on the plan, the project, the process - whatever you are taking on, make it yours.
In other words: OWN IT - yes, that’s right - OWN it! No matter what, take credit for what you accomplished, all along the way. From beginning to end, make your attitude known. It’s yours! Make it. Break it. Fix it. Renew it. Toss it out and start again. But most importantly - be proud of what you have done and continue to do. It’s yours!
That’s not to say you shouldn’t give credit to others along the way who may have had a hand in getting your plan out there. But YOU must make it work. YOU must be responsible for it. YOU must own it.