The Pearl Planner®
"The only planner you will ever need!"®️

What's it all about!
Not a question but an exclamation! You see, I have been spending some time each day researching what's out there written about the necessity of planning and how to do it. But what I mostly found was how and where to spend your money on planners. OK - I get it - the facility in which to plan is as important as the actual act of planning.
But whoa! I have been a "planner of sorts" for almost my entire adult life. I write everything down pertaining to my plan - in a notebook, old school copybook, a repurposed unused calendar book from a year gone by, whatever is handy. The point is, actually 2 points: first I write my plan down. Second, using a writing instrument and paper, I work my plan using these 5 principles:
Planning. Efficiency. Attitude. Reality. Love.
"Failing to plan is planning to fail" ~ so said a wise man, Ben Franklin. He was right! I do fail but my failures are few and far between because I put everything about the plan on pages I can look at later, refer to when needed, and don't disappear because of a glitch.
My advice to anyone preparing for something, anything in life (home or work) to get it down on paper. Your thoughts will remain in your head if you can see them on paper when needed. BUT - don't make your "planner" a scrapbooking project. More on that later.
For today, get yourself a journal - any type will do. I often use the copybook style I buy at the Dollar Store. Nothing fancy required! First page leave blank. Second page, outside right top corner put the date. Then let the plan unfold. Date each page as you go along. Remember, there is no right or wrong to this process.