The Pearl Planner®
"The only planner you will ever need!"®️

Planning Efficiency Attitude Reality Love
Planning - it all starts with a plan !
PLANNING - Ben Franklin said: “Failing to plan is planning to fail” - whatever his context, we can put this adage to work for all of us.
Make a plan! Whether you’re a corporation president or getting ready to organize a kitchen drawer - it’s the plan that will produce the expected outcome.
There are several ways to getting that plan out there in front of you. Of course my favorite is writing it down. You can "write" it on your computer. But, if you write it in a notebook of sorts, you can carry it with you much easier than lugging around your computer or tablet. Of course, if you are able, you can "write" on an app on your phone (my least favorite!).
The key here is to get it visual - see it - see the plan! Write it down! Use drawings, snippets, photos, and adding objectives to reach that plan. It's all in the plan - What is the objective of your plan? Where are you going with it? What is the plan to accomplish? Is there a time limit to completion? Some of the questions you might ask yourself as you begin your plan!