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I've been thinking  !!!

August 5, 2024    

 Having been a planner for most of my adult life, I always want to share notions I find to be informative, interesting, or just shareable for a laugh or two.

     So today I was thinking about the weeds growing in my gardens.  I have not been able to do much yard work this season due to a complication in my life. This is about the complication - not the weeds. 

     Two years ago I underwent hip replacement surgery. It has taken me until just recently to get the pain under control and regain my ability to walk without a walker or canes, after spending nearly a year in a wheelchair.  The toughest part of all of this was admitting to myself that I even had a post-surgery problem! 

     The most crucial part of recovery wasn't getting to and from physical therapy, or meal prep for myself, or household chores, or grocery shopping - it was ALL of that and everything else that goes with one's daily survival.

     Fortunately for me, I have an amazing daughter who came to my rescue every time I needed help - for anything - no matter what.  Her sons, my grandsons were also always "at the ready" to pitch in to help.


     The story had a beginning that I kept to myself for almost my entire life.  I was born the second of four children to a middle class family living in a small country village Southwest of Philadelphia.  I didn't walk until I was just over three years old. And when I did walk, I had an undeniable limp that was clearly an indication that something wasn't right.  By the time I was 8 years old, I was not able to walk more than a few steps at a time.  The limp was the result of a birth deformity and much pain that I could no longer hide.  I was born without hip sockets! My hips weren't just dislocated but they were sliding around without any structure. Hence, the ungodly waddle toddle limp and excruciating pain. 

     My parents and a doctor from the University of PA came up with a solution.  That was for me to undergo 2 lengthy surgical procedures and a 5 and a half month stay at the Valley Forge Army Hospital in Phoenixville where the surgery was to take place.  It was March 1957!  First surgery in April. Second surgery in June. There was a 50/50 chance that the surgeries would allow me to walk. I remember hearing the doctor tell my parents that after the surgery either I would walk or not walk. But I would not be any worse off than I was at that time. So - you guessed it - I underwent the surgery!  And I might add - with great success!.  

     Fast forward my story to the day of this writing.  I have had 6 more hip surgeries. Those six surgeries were all about replacing the badly arthritic hips. I am grateful for the doctors, nurses, and all the care-givers and therapists who have had a hand in my returning to a life of walking under my own steam. 

     Although sometimes I still have the waddle toddle limp, but for the most part, the pain is under control and sometimes even non-existent.  

     That's my story for today!  It is only by the goodness of the Almighty Father that I'm here and not bed ridden, tied to a traction contraption!  Thanks GOD!


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